so this is what i wore today.....

So today i had a nice day hanging out with my friend Katrina. We planned to see the movie Bridesmaids together. It was a hoot and a half. lol

Firstly i had no idea what this movie was about and thought it was a chick flick. It's NOT a chick flick. It was hilarious though but what else do you expect from the writers of 40 year old virgin? If you haven't seen it, i recommend you do. It's good for those silly face-palming laughs plus Rose Byrne is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL.
Afterwards we had some tea & coffee where I got a good look at Kat's newest tattoo of a feather on her foot.
It was a lot bigger than i expected but it's very nice and detailed....Whilst we were having tea, my friend from earlier this week who also got a tattoo done gave me a good look at his one as well!

It's looking really good, the ink is really dark and is healing nicely. So many of my friends are getting tattoos lately!
So after our really long tea and coffee session, we met up with Kat's boyfriend, who's also a good friend of mine for dinner. We had dinner on Chapel street at a place called Cafe Sienna. It was very pricey but the steak my friends ordered looked really good.
My day was then completed by my boyfriend coming to join us for an after dinner coffee. It was delightful, we were having very intense Hanging with Friends matches against each other. lol
On the way home my boyfriend and i planned to watch the Transformers in 3D at imax tomorrow, looking forward to it HEAAAPPPS!
Anyway that is all for tonight, i'm off to watch Lady Gaga's interviews in Japan.